Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Gas supporter changes his mind

Bobby tells Red hand how he previously supported the gas plant but now with the change of direction by Premier Colin Barnett he does not support the gas plant. He is unhappy about the lack of respect to people and country by Mr Barnett.


INTERVIEWER Good morning.
INTERVIEWER Thanks for agreeing to talk with us, Red hand. And if you can just let us know what your name is and whereabouts on the Peninsula you live and how you see this LNG gas plant proposal affecting you and your lifestyle.
BOBBY BOWLES My name is Bobby Bowles. I live out at Bells Point with my son. At the very beginning I was in support of the gas plant to get jobs from the gas plant to get jobs for Aboriginal people and non Indigenous people. The way I see it now we had half a chance of having industrial complex and environmental studies and country looked after. At this moment in time with the new veto coming through with Colin Barnett. I don’t think that’s gonna be possible. Because if Colin Barnett is going to have no respect for the people and country. How are the people coming down from him doing all the management studies for the environment? How are they going to have respect for people and country? If the boss man is saying, nuh I’m not showing no respect to them? A veto is a very powerful law and it should not be handed down on this situation. The vote should come from the people and allow us as leaseholders and people that have actually lived at the block and TOs (Traditional Owners) to have a say in this, on this matter. But at the moment in time I am going against this. To have the gas plant out at North Head because as I said earlier boss man ‘s got no respect for people and country that is going to pass down right down to people. The people that knock off from work, they can fill up their tanks they can just go driving looking for crabs, fish anything. What I proposed on the table before as soon as they leave work they go through an organised business that’s organised. This is a very big thing that’s got to be managed properly. And if it’s not managed properly it’s going to fall down. In its current form it is gonna to fall down and I’m voting no against it. Because respect is not being shown up here and it’s not going to be shown down here.

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