A second attempt to stop the flow of oil leaking from a rig off Australia's north coast has failed.
The West Atlas oil rig in the Timor Sea has been leaking oil into the ocean for more than seven weeks.
PTTEP Australasia failed in its first attempt to stop the leak last week.
The company says it expects to be able to make another attempt to plug the hole this weekend.
"We will now re-run the vector magnetics tools tonight to see how close we are to the target," PTTEP Australasia director Jose Martins said.
"Our drilling experts are hopeful that we will not need such a long side track to hit it on the next pass."
He says today's unsuccessful attempt is disappointing, but the chances of hitting the target are now higher.
"The closer we get to the target with each pass, the more certain we become of its location."
A Greens Senator is calling for Australia's response plan to oil and gas spills to be drastically improved.
Senator Scott Ludlam says the response to the spill should have been quicker.
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