Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Woodside's Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap James Prices Point

Country now has 2 buggies being driven all over the sand dunes, heritage sites and ancient middens with the cutting of additional tracks, daily through the fragile Holocene sand dune system and Vine Thickets pockets.

The impacts that Country, it’s habitants and it’s heritage has been subjected to since the
 Geotechnical drilling on Manari Road: Onshore Vegetation Monitoring Program
 Eureka Archaeological Research
 Seismic testing throughout the area
 Browse Alternative Pipeline Shore Approach Survey
 Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Light Industrial Area, Workers Accommodation and Pipeline Corridor
 James Price Point Frugivorous Fauna baseline Study
 Initial ground water Monitoring and sites 6x, BVorex and Borex1
 Monsoon Vine Thicket Boundary Mapping
 Meteorological Tower Service Visit
 Onshore Geophysical Survey (including beach intertidal)
 Benthic Habitat Infill Survey
 Metocean Instrument Service Visit
has been considerable, destructive and heartrending . Hundreds of additional movement of vehicles on a daily basis is being recorded. Hordes of people are entering Country, total strangers to our heartland.

Woodside is ensuring that they are only employing people who are ignorant of the significance of country; ...it’s people, it’s history, it’s national and international heritage values, it’s importance to Broome residents recreational and camping activities and …….. our community’s aspirations for our future.

These people are being paid to be muted, they are herded like cattle to and from Broome and to their place of work in order for their contact with local people to be tightly controlled. Woodside does not want any workers to have any contact with the locals because they don’t want these people to be told the true story …. that no-one wants this dangerous polluting industry in our recreational, camping and heritage grounds. That our community does not want to have to deal with the entire debilitating social /economic impacts that will befall us.

Our connection to our country, to our heartland ......... is just that…….. Connection.

Locals opposed to the proposed LNG at James Price Point, have been totally checked out by our local police force, but we are the locals, they know everything about all of us already. However, the strangers in our community, the ones hiding behind company logos and uniforms, who are here to make the quick buck, who are from who knows where, are not and have not been given the same level of scrutiny. Why?

Country is fighting back with the buggies being caught in the sand dunes, survey cords and equipment being taken or swamped by the tides, pindan clogging up their drilling equipment, Hagstrom drilling unable to provide good solid quality core samples from Manari Road, drill pits walls unable to be stabilised and the south easterly wind playing havoc with their seismic readings. And of course the heat, the flies and the mosquitoes are driving most of them insane.

But Country and all of its inhabitants is already under enormous stress as it is being subjected to:
 Major disturbance to native vegetation and fauna because of illegal cutting of access tracks, and vehicle movement; through the sand dune and Vine Thickets pockets.
 Excavation of Heritage sites and the removal activities of artifacts
 Significant ground disturbance - due to the establishment of access tracks, boreholes, test pits, geotechnical tests and sampling, lay- down and other specified areas, and vehicle movement;
 Major disturbance to terrestrial fauna - due to clearing, vehicle interactions and noise;
 Major boating noise disturbance to ocean with increase Multi Beam Echo Sounder working the coastline in order to determine the optimal pipe route across the shallow water approaching James Price Point and to provide key inputs into further marine and port studies.;
 Massive increase in light, noise, air emissions and choking dust from vehicle and equipment exhausts;
 Major introduction/transfer of weeds and other pests;
 Significant pollution/contamination from routine discharges;
 Major pollution/contamination from unplanned discharges;
 Considerable disturbance to recreational activities; and
 Momentous and criminal disturbance to national and international heritage and conservation values.
 Invasive photographic footage being taken of tourists, locals and children by people who refuse to identify themselves or who they represent. If questioned by anyone these unidentified personnel respond with a belligerent attitude and aggressive behaviour

What is important to understand is the following facts about the work that is planned in the James Price Point over the coming days:

 Geotechnical drilling on the beach south of James Price Point; and

 Geotechnical drilling in the area of the proposed LNG precinct

 It is proposed that new tracks will be cleared to a width of 5m to provide access to the FEED and FEED Infill geotechnical test sites. An extra 0.5m will be allowed to store top soil. Tracks from Manari Rd to the beach will be of a greater width
(up to 8 m).

 Proposed clearing would be undertaken by a combination of raking and grading. Additional tracks are planned to be cleared over the southern portion of the common user/laydown area of the LNG Precinct to provide access for cultural heritage surveys and also to some additional FEED.

 Up to approximately 350 geotechnical test sites of approximately 200 m2 each are proposed to be cleared.

 The proposed alignment of the tracks to access the geotechnical test sites located within the dune and vine thickets are subject to change from what has been indicated.

 An area of up to 100 m by 75 m would also need to be cleared for use as a temporary laydown area to store materials

 A total of approximately 20,000 L of water per day is estimated to be required for compaction of roads and test sites and dust suppression during site preparation and operations.

 Groundwater monitoring bores would be installed at up to 50 of the geotechnical test sites. These bores will be installed by pushing or drilling a rod (approximately 5 cm diameter) into the soil up to a depth of approximately 25 m.

 Test pits would be dug to a depth of up to 5 m at up to 100 of the geotechnical test sites using a backhoe (or similar). These pits will be up to 10m x 10m in area.

And all of this destruction is taking place when there are still NO APPROVALS for this proposed project. Everyone must understand that a majority of the planned destruction of Country will have already been completed long before any approvals have come through.


  1. Well that was very interesting.
    David Vale the vice chair of the Australian Privacy Foundation on ABC radio 10.10am.
    The motives for all the filming going on around JPP.

  2. That maniac Ferguson again.
    "Research says government overestimates cost of renewable energy".The Age.
    Ferguson says any change in price is"noted".
    Funny that,when I reminded some on the TONC of the Luekemia dangers,especially to kids,from the poisonous gas hub,that's what they said,it was"noted".
    And the note was then dumped in the bin!
