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Buru drilling update Yulleroo 3 and photo 7/07/12 |
Answer = no one knows.
In the US the fraccing companies bury "no disclosure" clauses in the permits people sign to let them frac on their land. They can't even tell their neighbours if they get sick. The local GP's also sign "no disclosure" documents,so if there is a cluster of say childhood luekemia,they cannot disclose it. Disclose this information and the money stops.
So, as the Kimberley, who benefits from selling out our childrens health? Very few and most you can guarantee it, live elsewhere most likely overseas.
"You have probably heard about the many secret poisonous chemicals like explosive alpha methyl styrene used by frackers, but you won't hear about the radioactive iodine-131 and cesium tracers that are injected with the water and fracking chemicals because they don't want you or the public to know. In addition to radioactive tracers, fracking operations release the following into our air and water:
* deadly arsine gases
* trimethylarsine
* dimethylarsine
* methyldiethylarsine
* triethylarsine
* uranium
* radium-226
* radon-222
* other radioactive nuclides
* alpha methyl styrene
* diesel fuel
* other VOCs (volatile organic compounds) including: benzene, toluene and xylene
Radon gas has a radioactive decay half-life of 3.8 days. Its decay products are the radioactive elements of:
* polonium-214
* polonium-218
* bismuth-210
* bismuth-214
* lead-210
* lead-214
The recommended EPA remediation level for radon gas in air is 4.0 pC/L. This recommendation is too high; remediation should be required for anything above outdoor air levels of 0.4 pC/L."
Polonium was used to poison Alexander Litvinenko (cup of tea),and Yasser Arafat (hat and clothing).
Weekly Drilling Progress Report - Yulleroo-3
It's easy to see why companies want to import labour from overseas,especially from countries where the cost of a human life is a lot cheaper.
ReplyDelete"Mr Austin has demanded an investigation into the safety and self-regulation of WA's $200 million pearling industry, claiming the Timorese were asked to meet excessive production targets.
He claims the cadets were forced to lift heavy double pearl shell panels that Australians had refused to lift for safety reasons.
He also claims the cadets' meals were delayed and work hours extended, resulting in sickness, injury and fatigue.
Mr Austin said Clipper Pearls had refused his requests to introduce critical safety measures, including standard operating procedures and checklists for duties at sea."
Paspally are in trouble after it emerged the young diver,an Aussie who died early on this year,was in the water for 20 minutes after he got into difficulties and could be brought aboard the vessel.
There was no back up diver on hand to assist and no help for CPR.
Such lovely futures these mining types want to map out for our kids,just like Barnett they will not be able to look black kids in the eyes unless there is pollution and mess everywhere.
ReplyDeleteSo how much are these "Benefits" really worth?
Are they worth anything at all if it means sacrificing your "Health and Wellbeing."
After all,all the money in the world is worth nothing,unless you have your health.
Unless of course you are one of these people who relax overseas while "Black Kids" give up their health to mine the muck that makes you rich.
"Throughout the coalfields of Appalachia, in small community clinics and in government labs, it has become clear: Black lung is back.
The disease's resurgence represents a failure to deliver on a 40-year-old pledge to miners in which few are blameless, an investigation by the Center for Public Integrity and NPR has found. The system for monitoring dust levels is tailor-made for cheating, and mining companies haven't been shy about doing so. Meanwhile, regulators often have neglected to enforce even these porous rules. Again and again, attempts at reform have failed.
A Center analysis of databases maintained by the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration found that miners have been breathing too much dust for years, but MSHA has issued relatively few violations and routinely allowed companies extra time to fix problems."
The other worry for Woodside,the oil glut from fraccing.
"“Contrary to what most people believe, oil supply capacity is growing worldwide at such an unprecedented level, it might outpace consumption,” Maugeri wrote.
“This could lead to a glut of overproduction and a steep dip in oil prices.” "
The competition is doing well.
Gazprom the worlds most profitable company.
Yes, it really is getting hot out there. A new report finds that the past 12 months have been the warmest on record for the mainland United States.
The chances of JPP/Walmadany being left untouched have definately increased lately.
ReplyDeleteIn about 8 days time the cost estimates for Woodsides gas hub at JPP will be in,with everyone seeming to agree it will not be cheap.
Estimates around $45 billion and above are to be found everywhere.Rates of Return being all on the low side,close to 10%.
Lots of predictions of a global gas glut before 2020,a lot saying 2017.
Cost and time blowouts threatening all Australian gas projects.
Skilled labour shortages everywhere,here and overseas.
If Woodside are going to try their new invention,modularisation,then they are more likely to test it on one train at Pluto first,than 3 or 4 at Browse.
With demand in Europe slackening,gas companies are looking to the Asian market with it's higher prices to take up the slack.The price pressure on gas is all down and down.
Voelte may have been right when he said fracced gas isn't a cheap or easy way to get at gas,but whether he likes it or not,fracced gas and oil will have a big impact on Woodside in the years to come.
I won't go into the stuffed up environment reports or the underhanded behaviour of the KLC votes etc.,but to say it is all ammo when it comes to the legal end of things.
There is a great deal of gas coming on line in the next year or so that was destined for the US market but is now looking for another home.
Angola being one country looking to export elsewhere.
We know about East Africa,but West Africa is showing some promise as well.
Kenya and Mozambique.They are finding conventional gas in staggering quantities.
And of course the US gulf states and the west coast of Canada which all want to get into Asia,and as in Africa,are partnered up with Japenese,Korean,Chinese,India and anyone else with money that fits the bill to get these projects up and going.
And lets not forget Gazprom,finished number one in the top 500 companies,as the worlds most profitable,clearing over $40 billion profit.They are going all out to get a share of the action.
Qatar and Australia and other countries who export already,and are expanding,all are in the mix.
Say Woodside go ahead with a $45 billion,or close enough,gas hub at JPP,what are the odds of it being a smooth project?
ReplyDeleteAnswer,very little.
Because it is such an exposed coast with very high fast flowing tides,the massive amount of dredging will be a nightmare.It is an area of extremely high conservation value so the conditions on the dredging will be severe.Turbidity will prohibit dredging on many tides.
The coast is all sand and pindan,however they intend to get around that,engineering wise,it is sure to be expensive and time consuming.
The soft seabed will pose problems for pipelines and the huge breakwater.
The list of challenges that are more likely to result in cost and time blowouts on this project goes on and on.Moreso than on any other site that has been considered for this,Australias biggest ever project.Get it wrong and they will be the laughing stock of the entire planet.
So lets say they go in with a possible rate of return of around 11%,on the low side of what they would really want,and it all goes pear shaped on them,the cost doesn't have to go up that much to get the Rate of return below 10% - a disaster!
There is absolutely no margin for error,a nightmare scenario for any type of construction project let alone one of this size.
They must also factor in to the equation the very high cost of constant dredging over the many years of the project to keep the port safe and operating.A massive amount of work,which could get very pricey if there are 3 or 4 cyclones passing by every few years!There could be lengthy port closures while the mess is cleaned up.
So it is fraught with danger on all sides,not an appealing prospect for the backers who may have to stump up the $50 or even $60 billion.
And deal with Woodside a company who will be trying to survive in a world full of surplus oil and gas,whose profits could be decimated by future events.
And way more than the now 80% who hate this damn stupid idea all booing them from the sidelines as they lurch toward corporate oblivion.
Then again the companies bidding on this doomed project have maybe figured this out,and may do us all a favour and seeing all these risks and the dangers they present,put in bids north of $50 billion and kill it for good.
Also worth noting the FEED contracts for Pluto trains 2 and 3 were let back in 2009,and look where they are with that.
ReplyDeleteVoelte originally said that the reason for choosing JPP was it would likely be quicker to develope there than elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteSo they tried to rig everything to suit the rush,and basically wound up fooling themselves.