Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Kimberley traditional owners green light Buru Energy fracking - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Kimberley traditional owners green light Buru Energy fracking - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

" We told them make sure you keep your word and really, say the things you're going to do with not much chemicals, and explain it to us so we can explain it to the old people as well".
Thomas Skinner

Hands Off Country -
Free, Prior, and Informed Consent! Buru's Bullshit - I would like to see the minutes of the meeting and who, how and when did this meeting take place. Was the Kimberley Land Council present? Were there any legal representatives looking after the best interests of the people?. We all know too well how these corporations, all over the world operate in indigenous communities. Unfortunately, we  as a community have already experienced these types of corporate tricks and government lies. We know how to view these predicable propaganda of happy blackfellow snaps, we understand how these corporations operate, its a formula of lies and deceit of divide and conquer.
Just another one of Buru's Energy - Mitsubishi's  fabrication used for their manipulation games of people, the Stock Exchange, share holders and of course their investors - The Yawuru people are not playing the Buru's road map game.  Buru is scared of the coming community reaction and in all reality has already been warned by Country. Buru Energy took on the name Buru which means MY COUNTRY, in doing this they have already called upon themselves trouble, big trouble and they know it, because they can feel it but they are still refusing to heed even the dire of these warnings. 

This insidious corporation will never get what they seek because they are 10 years to late. By the time the infrastructure is in place to support their oil and gas development in the Kimberley, the world will have turned the corner and heading towards renewables and our Kimberley water will be priceless in the global economy.

If Buru are as smart as they claim, they would be harnessing the sun, and the water because it is free, abundant, clean, it would creates jobs and would be supported by the boarder community. Buru Bullshit - the Kimberley is not for shale.

 Buru Energy must appreciate the fact that thanks to the Woodside debacle the west Kimberley communities are now smart enough to know how to keep their power dry, aim straight and true and make it count!  We hold the ground.

We are very concerned about fracking and this is the response of our Director, Martin Pritchard to this latest development:

"Environs Kimberley director Martin Pritchard said a recent survey by the WA Department of Mines and Petroleum found that over "twice as many Kimberley people oppose gas fracking [40 per cent] compared with those who support it [19 per cent]".
"What this means is that there is no social licence for fracking in the Kimberley and Buru Energy said late last year that they wouldn't frack if the community didn't want it," he said.
"What we're saying is please stick to your promises Buru."
Mr Pritchard is not convinced fracking is safe.
"We’ve had to request information through the Freedom of Information process with the department of Mines and Petroleum," he said.
"Buru Energy is refusing to give us their chemical risk assessment.
"We're very concerned that there could be a divide and conquer approach to the Kimberley.
"What we're calling for is a regional approach because if Buru Energy start producing commercial quantities of gas through fracking it will affect everyone in the southern Kimberley."


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