Friday, June 11, 2010

BP buys Google, Yahoo search words:Is it to keep people from real news on Gulf oil spill disaster?

BP buys Google, Yahoo search words:Is it to keep people from real news on Gulf oil spill disaster?


  1. huffington post "chevron oil spill covers geese,ducks in utah".

  2. Lie of the century?B.P. objects strongly to raising oil leak estimate from 1000 to 5000 b.p.d. The temp cap will siphon 20000 then 40000 b.p.d. Another device ready mid June will double that. A semi submersable rig which can burn 20000 b.p.d. will also be in place by then.However the oil will still be spewing into the sea until late August.That means the oil must be spewing out at a greater rate than 100000 b.p.d.!!!I cannot remember a time in my life of 60 years that 3 months stretched out to such an eternity.It seems it has become impossible to comprehend.

  3. yeah 60+ exxon valdez-if you live on the gulf coast-kiss your ass goodbye

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