A MAJOR national bank has been forced to remove more than 100 misleading out of order signs from its ATMs after being targeted by anti-coal activists.
A score of ANZ Banking Group machines sprawled across six capital cities were plastered with "out of order" signs on Sunday after campaigners launched their latest bid to draw attention to the bank's funding of the coal industry.
Definately liking the COAC
ReplyDeleteThe World Bank
The World Bank has warned global temperatures could rise by four degrees Celsius this century without immediate action, with potentially devastating consequences for coastal cities and the poor.
Issuing a call for action, the World Bank tied the future wealth of the planet - and especially developing regions - to immediate efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions from sources such as energy production.
"The time is very, very short. The world has to tackle the problem of climate change more aggressively," World Bank president Jim Yong Kim said on a conference call as he launched a report conducted for the global lender.
"We will never end poverty if we don't tackle climate change.
"It is one of the single biggest challenges to social justice today."
The study said the planet could warm four degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels as early as the 2060s if government promises to fight climate change are not met.
Even if nations fulfil current pledges, the study gave a 20 per cent likelihood of a four-degree rise by 2100 and said that a three-degree rise appeared likely.
UN-led climate negotiations have vowed to limit the rise of temperatures to no more than two degrees.
"A four-degree warmer world can and must be avoided. We need to hold warming below two degrees," Mr Kim said.
Think tank Beyond Zero Emissions has reportedly calculated that a typical coal seam gas well producing a terajoule a day of methane, and producing 1% fugitive emissions, would incur a carbon tax liability of $31,700 a year at the current rate of $23 a tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent. A well that leaked 4 per cent would be liable for tax of $126,800 a year.
DeleteSMH said if 30,000 CSG wells were developed, as was planned in Queensland and New South Wales, the annual carbon tax liability would blow out to $951 million (1% fugitives) to $3.8 billion (4% fugitives).
Nigerian oil spill
An oil spill at an ExxonMobil facility offshore from the Niger Delta has spread at least 30km from its source, coating waters used by fishermen in a film of sludge, Reuters reports.
Mark Ward, the managing director of ExxonMobil's local unit, reportedly said a clean-up had been mobilised, and he apologised to affected communities.
Exxon shut the pipeline off the coast of Akwa Ibom state last week after an oil leak.
The subject of many posts here.Slugcatcher has been banging on about it for 3 years.Gazprom and Woodside have been in denial over it.But here it is - mainstream recognition.
A few excerpts from the article : An energy revolution
Distilling the core message from the IEA in the latest edition of its World Energy Outlook is not easy because it contains multiple meanings.
They range from political to military to the obvious effects on companies and people in the energy business.
On the commercial side there is a one-word warning in the IEA report for everyone in the petroleum business – costs.
The agency, which advises governments on their best energy policies, did not highlight the cost question.
The Slug will because everything in the outlook points to a period of falling, not rising, energy prices.
In that climate, the business with the lowest costs achieves two objectives. It survives and then it prospers as high-cost competitors are pushed aside.
The IEA did not publish precise energy-price tips but what it did do was spell out the significance of a story that The Slug has been banging on about for the past three years – the US shale boom is a global game-changer.
Confined for now to the US itself, rising oil and gas production from rocks long regarded as non-commercial is turning the US energy market upside down.
Coal, somewhat oddly, has been the first victim of shale oil and gas thanks to energy consumers in the US switching from coal-fired electricity to gas-fired.
The US accounts for about 30% of the global economy and perhaps as much as 40% of global energy consumption.
Planning for an energy glut, rather than assuming an energy shortfall, has suddenly become the primary concern of everyone in the petroleum business.
What happened to high-cost coal producers could well happen to high-cost oil and gas producers.
In Australia, that means coal seam LNG developers will be pumping fresh numbers into their business models to see how profitable they will be should petroleum prices continue to fall.
It also means that conventional LNG project developers, such as Woodside Petroleum and Chevron, will be subjecting their projects to lower-priced stress tests.
Chevron’s Gorgon development is too far into its construction phase to be altered but it will fall far short of its original profit assumptions. That will weigh heavily on the career prospects of a few senior executives.
Woodside’s Browse project is yet to win a green light and probably cannot expect one (except as an LNG “floater”) now that the IEA has burrowed into the long-term consequences of the shale revolution which, do not forget, is only happening today in one country – and there are many other countries with enormous shale potential.
Behind all this is the subliminal message that the IEA came close to delivering but pulled up just short of and that is the message of how low-cost producers will prosper and high-cost producers will fail.
So there you go,what has been posted here for years is now backed up by many oil and gas publications and the IEA.
If Woodside were so stupid as to proceed with JPP - like many heads about to roll at Chevron - they will be out of a job,quick smart,and that goes for Chaney and the board.