Monday, November 19, 2012

The tick in yet another box

Interesting that this story broke within hours of the news that FRESH legal action has been launched to stop Woodside's $35 billion gas hub project at James Price Point, by Phillip Roe, an Goolarabooloo Law Man.
Browse site selection process a first

WEST Australian Environment Minister Bill Marmion has admitted he can't think of a project, other than Woodside's Browse gas hub, that involved the federal and state governments hand picking the site. Mr Marmion made the admission on Monday after ...
Tough conditions on Browse
Greens denounce Browse decision


  1. The corporations and their insatiable lust
    for power and growth has given birth to the greedy,unethical immoral investment schemes that are wreaking havoc throughout our world...unthinkingly,many have fallen for the propaganda these corps and their henchmen wield...they bludgeon their victems with seemingly convincing statements such need this...I will get it for you!...yes we require power,we all use it,however to wreck communities,set wife onto husband,sister onto brother,family onto family,community'against community,white onto white,black onto black and all visa versa,to lie to your people,to bash bribe and cause terror,trauma,ruination for the product....investor profits.....that is immoral,unjust,devoid of any semblance of a functional set of values....a gross injustice upon the people and not only should this behaviour be seen openly for what it really is but be condemned by all,,,the whole commumity,and be very soundly rejected,,,,,,racism,ecocide,cultural genocide,bioterrorism------unbridled greed.

  2. One thing about unbridled greed is they will quite happily cut each others throats if the price is right.All this works against the economics of JPP.

    BP has opened secret talks with Russia’s state-owned energy giant Gazprom to help build a pipeline to bring vast quantities of gas into Britain by 2016.

    David Peattie, BP’s director for Russia, said talks were at ‘an early stage’ but Financial Mail understands that David Cameron has given the thumbs-up to a deal.

    The Prime Minister discussed the plan with President Vladimir Putin when they met at the Olympics. Peattie said a deal could be signed as early as the middle of next year. The contract will follow BP’s recent deal to take a 20 per cent stake in Russia’s Rosneft

    BP wants to help to extend the Nord Stream gas pipeline – which runs from Vyborg near St Petersburg to Greifswald in northern Germany – to Norfolk. It is understood that buying a stake in Nord Stream will cost BP about $300million.

    BP is expected to reveal early next year that it will get a share of an expected 10 billion barrels of oil that will come from helping Rosneft – which is about to become the world’s biggest oil and gas producer – to exploit between 40 and 50 per cent of the capacity of its wells rather than the 30 per cent it achieves at present.

    It has also emerged that BP is in a leading position to exploit Bazhenov in western Siberia, the world’s largest shale oil find, estimated to be 80 times bigger than the US’s Bakken field and roughly equivalent to the entire production of the North Sea.

    There is already a pipeline infrastructure in place, built for traditional oil exploration. Exploiting shale oil and extracting more from existing fields will provide BP with so much work that it is unlikely to start test drilling in the Arctic until at least 2027


    The European Parliament has rejected a proposal to ban new hydraulic fracturing operations on European Union territory, but while opportunities abound, they won’t be revolutionary just yet.

    Europe’s decision was necessary. There was simply too much at stake: Russia’s grip on the market has gotten too strong; EU natural gas production is on the decline; and consumers have not benefited from the US natural gas boom.

    Worse, if Europe does not embrace its shale potential, expensive energy could eventually drive energy-intensive industries elsewhere (like the US) and this would spell Europe’s economic doom. Industries in Europe pay on average three times the price for gas as their US counterparts.
