Friday, October 22, 2010

Indicative Management Plan for the proposed Marine Park

ABC Kimberley WA - Australian Broadcasting Corporation

A protest gathering to greet Barnett has been called today at the Broome Shire at 12.30 to voice concerns about the limited Indicative Management Plan for the proposed Marine Parks. This Report is a very poor political attempt to be seen as concern humans on a very sick planet. This report can be accessed in the side bar of this blog.

Barnett and his Minister for Environment, Faragher will be in Broome today to meet with the Broome Shire, Woodside and a selected groups of interest. They arrived last night and traveled south to Yardoogarra Country for a meeting early this morning at Eco Beach Resort.

It is presumed that he will release the Indicative Management Plan for the proposed Marine Park in one of many humpback whale calving waters at Camden Sound.

The whales that will be protected in this Marine Park still need to travel to get there. These migrating whales, many of who are heavily pregnant when they make this journeys are currently dodging LNG pipes, massive tankers, assortment of other marine traffic and thousands of drilling structures. At the same time these amazing creatures are trying desperately to remain on course given all associated deafening noise generated by the oil and gas industries that is like a cancerous growth, spreading along the entire Western Australian coastline.

There are two main ways that a submission on the indicative management plan can be made:

1. download the ‘Have your say’ questionnaire from and post (no stamp required) to

Proposed Camden Sound Marine Park

Have Your Say

Department of Environment and Conservation

Marine Policy and Planning Branch

Reply paid 83569

Bentley Delivery Centre WA 6983

or email to

The closing date for submissions on this plan is 1 February 2011.

Woodside’s World Class whale research Fact Sheet, has very pretty pictures of whales and their proposed plans, however there is one major floor in their research they have only recorded the whale’s migration south.

Please call 9191200 and ask woodside why that is.

1 comment:

  1. i fink you just dealt me the knockout blow,and i'm on your side!lol
