Wednesday, December 15, 2010

GetUp! Campaign Actions

GetUp! Campaign Actions


  1. Get Up are in Broome to meet their followers.

  2. To those people who call themselves 'Aboriginal' and 'Cultural'. The celebrities seem to care more about maintaining both for the Kimberley/Aboriginal people. They also care more about the Country and how those stories passed down by the Aboriginal ancestors where considered a part of their identity which they valued in how they treated and protected the land.

    But you know what, those words seem, very shallow in those descendants eyes which obviously tells me, it is not meaningful to them as descendants of the Jabirr Jabirr/Djugan people and therefore don't think it's important enough to not want to sell off their identity and culture for money and non existent power.
    By the way, George Negus has put an article in the QANTAS magazine outlining why 'Oprah' should have come to this part of Australia too.
    So to you so call local Jabirr Jabirr people, you need to get your nose out of the big arse CEO's and Barnett butts and be proud of your country or go back to living the lifestyle you lived when you went away from this area and never grew up around and appreciated by going fishing, camping and ceremonies something most of us other Aboriginal people from this area have been doing for so long.

  3. Just now ABC radio 12:30 news;Get up presented Barnett with a petition this morning with 39,000 signatures protesting the Compulsory Acquisition of James Price Point.Get Up said,"...his face did turn red and he became very frustrated when he saw how many comments and signatures were on the petition".Get Up felt the meeting had gone well.

  4. And Save Our Marine Life has managed 22,000 signatures to Environment Minister Burke re Marine Parks in just one week.

  5. To Anon "Aboriginal"and"Cultural".You are dead set right.Some of that TONC mob have never spent any time in that country.Unless it was to have their photo taken for one of those dumb ass adverts in the Advertiser every week.You know the ones whose clothes look too tight,and they look like they might scratch their shoes.They're thinking,"can't wait to get out of here and back in the airconditioning".But would have us believe their mothers spent all their time up there with them teaching them everything about the place.When in fact they were in town drunk and stoned selling anything they could for a price.And that is all they know how to do,sell anything,their family,their own selves,their souls,if they have one,for money.Not country,nothing means anything to them,except greed.Thats why Bergman is in bed with them,they are right up his alley.
