Saturday, August 27, 2011

Woodside convoy halted as protest moves into 35th hour | Latest Business & Australian Stock market News | Perth Now

Woodside convoy halted as protest moves into 35th hour | Latest Business & Australian Stock market News | Perth Now

THREE women have locked themselves onto heavy machinery and a 44 gallon drum in an attempt to stop Woodside from gaining access to the proposed gas hub site at James Price Point near Broome.

Local Broome woman Marion Lester, 58, locked herself onto a Woodside vehicle around 2.30 am Friday morning and police are currently working to free her. She said she is not giving up.

“Woodside’s joint venture partners and investors need to start thinking about why there’s no plan B; any responsible business would have one. The Broome community’s resolve to stop this is not going to go away. In fact, it’s growing stronger by the day.”

Earlier yesterday morning Sue Clarke, 57, stood on the road blocking the Woodside convoy and was arrested for obstructing police. She refused bail conditions and spent Friday night in the Broome lockup. She has since been released on reduced bail conditions.


  1. Its so interesting that the only comments that seem to be making it through are those of supporters for the destruction of the community, culture and country.

    NO, we played the drum and it costs you thousands and Woodside brand is suffering daily.

    Anyway,it is not over till the fat lady sing. And she has not even started to warmed up her vocals.

    Anyone who would would like to comment on our work please refer to Hands Off Country on Youtude.

  2. What an excellent peaceful action, and what excellent people all of you wonderful protestors are. I know this is only the beginning of your successes (and their have been many in the past). Its only a matter of time before Woodside and their (reluctant) Joint Ventures partners pack up and leave, as they slowy begin to realise that only a minority within broome have a had a frontal lobotomy, as the above gas supporting commentator seems to be suffering from. i have heard that the fat lady is indeed a wonderful singer...and am awaiting the aria
