Thank you Broome Advertiser, for keeping the proposed LNG gas hub on the Dampier Peninsular in the public domain, you’ll be pleased to know that the Broome Advertiser is in cyberspace before publishing date!
“Banners sprout in Broome as LNG campaign grows. Protests anger authorities.”
Red hand’s first response to this article is to Councillor Chris Mitchell. He describes the banner as “a visual distraction which would cause accidents”. That’s exactly what we think the gas hub would be on any of the four proposed locations, an enormous distraction that has the potential to cause massive environmental and social accidents.
“Its un-Broome like” to us to support an industry that will destroy the very fabric of the heritage and industries that have sustained and supported Broome for nearly 125 years. How would the Shire President advise the Broome community and Redhand to object to this proposal?
Carol Martin, we are sorry you are not bothered about the banner outside your office because we are very concerned about climate change, damage to the environment, taking land off people who have lived there for generations and destroying cultural connections. We are also concerned about destroying recreational opportunities for Kimberley people who go to James Price Point. It’s priceless. Also “development was about breaking the poverty cycle for Indigenous people.” This is about people, people being forced off their country and to give up their country just to receive services which most people in Australia consider basic or essential. It is not reasonable or equitable.
So Carol, you want to use the banner for recycling? Fantastic! We approve of recycling because we can rest assured that future banners will be recycled as well
“........the majority have made it clear we need development.” If this is fact based on accurate research, would she please provide her constituents access to these findings? Red hand would be very keen to publish her research on handsoffcountry.blogspot.com.
We will not give up the Kimberley without a fight. Hands off country and stand up for the planet.
Banners and signs? If the 'authorities' think that it is going to stop at that, they better take a chair!
The Kimberley deserves a LOT more than that to save it from industrialisation!
Barnett declared war and war it shall be.
Authoritarianism angers protesters!!!!
ReplyDeleteSTOP PRESS:Campaigner numbers grow as LNG proposals sprout in Broome!
ReplyDeleteReally the shire president should hang head in shame, as far as i know he hasnt even made any statement re barnetts preferred location ,you would think that the council would at the very least show their regret that the previous negotiations were cast away by Barnett, a process that at least gave Aboriginal people a voice.but no .You would think that they could see how detrimental the hub will be to broome as a shire and the country itself, why cant they see that maintaining one of the worlds most important whale nursery areas will bring the shire many accolades and plenty of economic growth.Ahhhh heads in the sand or the aircon is on too high.