For the first time since the change of government and Colin Barnett's announcement of his preferred gas hub site at North Head and his threat of compulsary acquisition, the NDT made their first attempt at contacting the people these decisions directly affect.
The agenda item of these meetings at Beagle Bay,Middle Lagoon,Lombadina and Djaradjin was not to talk or listen to people as the NDT claimed today, but was to inform the people that a drilling rig was coming to take 40 drilling samples and that it must be completed before the 2008 wetseason.This was confirmed in their own pamphlet The Gas Project in the Kimberley which was distributed only at the Middle Lagoon Meeting and was not offered to blockaders in Beagle Bay.
Permission was not granted by the people for this drilling to take place because the NDT representatives never directly asked. People made it very clear that the messages THEY want the Premier to hear is that they feel sidelined by both the original consultation process and the Premier's compulsary acquistion threats.These threats were still being vocalised today by the Premier whilst the NDT representatives were in country trying to convince people that this wasn't the governments intention and that proper consultation processes and protocols would be maintained.So what is the Truth?.

It is Blueyes opinion that the government is pushing for North Head because it is not encumbered by Native Title and is taking advantage of its current Aboriginal Reserve status even though the Reserve status is soley for the use and benefit of Aboriginal people.
It is another sad and sorry day when the Premier of Western Australia refuses to meet with the Dampier Peninsula people, especially in this historic year when our Prime Minister apologised on behalf of the Nation for past wrongs.Why is it that the premier has time to fly over North Head and meet his Liberal party friends at the Surf Club in Broome but did not take the time to meet the very people he plans to dispossess of their Land, their Rights, their Heritage and Dignity.
Hands Off Country and Stand up for the Planet!
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