It has come to the attention of Eyesoncountry, through a very reliable source that whilst the Dampier Peninsula communities were standing up for their country, their lifestyles, their culture and heritage with representatives from NDT, even to the point of blockading entry to Beagle Bay, KLC have been in Perth, negotiating with Woodside, bartering with the hopes, dreams and aspirations of all the Indigenous people living in Dampier Peninsula.
Only last week, KLC’s CEO was on the Peninsular meeting with some leaseholders and Beagle Bay community members supporting them to directly bring their major objections and grave concerns about the proposed LNG Gas Hub and the North Head site to the NDT’s representatives at the proposed meetings the following week. KLC were aware that NDT were seeking to inform people of their intention to drill. At no time did the KLC's CEO inform people about being at the table with Woodside.
In addition, our source informed us that Don Voelte, CEO, Woodside has the following options up their sleeves:
• The Burrup is achievable but the Browse gas would need to be processed through the joint venture LNG plant with additional trains built to existing infrastructure (not Woodside’s sole operator plant Pluto)
• Floating platform is a very serious option. This is the cheapest option and will be the way of the future (generally speaking) to give more flexibility. LNG deposits are becoming increasingly smaller and this option makes sense for the future direction of the industry. The problem at this stage is that the technology is untested and would be built at considerable risk
• And of course North Head and apparently Perpendicular is still on their agenda!!!!!
• According to our source, the Beagle Bay Blockade was the first time Woodside’s CEO had heard that there was an Indigenous problem. Apparently, Woodside had honestly thought that KLC had won the hearts and minds of all Indigenous people.
We understand that KLC is a Prescribed Body Corporate that represents Traditional Owners, however, Eyes On and Hands Off Country believe that KLC have an ethical duty of care to ensure that all Indigenous people have an equal say in something that will change their lives, their culture and heritage forever.
KLC, Woodside, Northern Development Taskforce, State Government Departments, Premier's Office and the Department of Indigenous Affairs, when are you going to be open and transparent, consult and inform all major stakeholders: Traditional Owners, Leaseholders, Stolen generation, long-term community residents?
What part of country are you negotiating over?
At what point in this ”process” will the people of the Peninsula’s objections and their categorical “No’s” be heard, listened to and taken seriously?
Please view for yourselves, people’s adverse reactions to the prospect of a gas hub on the Peninsula.
Thank you for sharing, it is always informative to get a first hand account of the local indigenous struggles for rights and justice.